‘Christmas Day is in our grasp
so long as we have hands to clasp
Christmas Day will always be
just as long as we have we’
and so it goes
it does it does
we seem to think
that having hands to touch
means touch has us
but not so fast
my Whos who trust
in you and me
and they and they
since we have we
and I have you
yet time does move
this moment long
a Father
‘who moved through theys of we’
a man of me
and he through me
sang his song
of love lived long
of love lived strong
hands of stone
hearts on loan
saving credits
for that day we dread
enough said
for in the saying
we live the
‘whole and more than all’
he of soul
this man of stone
a wall of wall
who knew this all
he ‘lived his soul’
and so it goes
it does and does
my Father
who was all
and always will
be my soul…
(‘ee cummings, Dr. Seuss’)