To which object does my shadow belong? It was damaged during the home invasion. This was before your refrigerator ran away before the easter bunny was arrested for trespassing on private property before bigfoot pawned your inner earrings... Hello, can you hear me? Hello? Friends... I too have bad posture and telekinetic powers and stare at the food on my plate until your plastic sporks are doing yoga. Oh no, am I thinking about thinking again? Words and other unethical trap-shoots are not so easily evaded: the mouse was a mouse, the man was also a mouse my shadow belongs to someone else: does a stapler love or bake? A ridiculous question to be sure, but what if is all I have, an inkling crawling across the blank landmasses see spots collide because schoolyard subordinates locked object and verb into the wrong conjugation? The noun was jealous of actual persons places and things. It’s been raining on and off ever since Tuesday.
Illustration by Albert M Nikhla
Posted On: May 17, 2024