Wrinkled, drooping, slouching language
Sat in the body of the last speaker
Ready to disperse into
Air, ground, water and the void
With all those memories
A boy limping back home
A drop of blood flowing down the knees
Matched a drop of tear down the cheek
Waiting to be consoled by mother
And hear her say,
“It is okay, you will be fine”
A girl chewing food,
Squeezing chilly between the molars
An explosion of heat from teeth to lips
To throat to nose,
A dance, a fit, a cry
“Ahhhh water water”
A man in love for the 1st time
In a deep embrace
Nose placed behind his lover’s neck
Inhaling in the hair, dried sweat and body’s scent
Finding no words to express
And those words, those songs
Taken from the closet
Only when there was a birth
Wedding, festival or death
And now all those memories
Which walked went vented whined
Still smiled sadly someday
But those memories are taking their last breaths.