Lost In The Quantum Depths Of Night
I am in the now
no longer entangled
into quantum theory
which we know
means that energy is made
of multiple strands of units
which makes it possible
since any object in any state
in the Universe of that object
into a series of parallel universes
with each universe containing
a unique single possible state of that object
but there is a mechanism for interaction between these universes
that somehow permits all states to be accessible in some way
and for all possible states to be affected
sort of like how I watch you
in the crypt of night
heaving in your slumber
short raspy shards of breath
your slim shoulders shudder
as you desperately
try to hold back the light
as it hits your cheek
at 186,000 miles per second
and it’s in that moment
folded into the multiple versions of this moment
that I realize time is finite
that time is
that time is past
that time will be
and though I remain uncertain
balanced on slim
paths of traveled roads
deep into Vermont
the uncertainty principle states
that the more precisely the position of some particle is determined
the less precisely its momentum can be predicted from initial conditions
and vice versa
and so I just stare at you
sleeping next to me
knowing that in the multiple
ways you amaze me
there are single strands
made up of a you and me
how one truth
means unconditional love
and then it hits me
there is no me
without you
and in that knowing
there is no now
the always…
Just Another Brick In The Wall
The spinning seems to be slowing down
the masks have gone
a blurred zoom memory
dreaming of talking for thirty minutes
on mute
can you hear me
yet every day
is still Groundhog Day
with Bill Murray listening to
“I Got You Babe,”
waiting for Punxsutawney Phil
to validate Confucius when he said:
study the past, if you would divine the future.
For it’s our future that defines us
that purposeful diligent march to measurable outcomes
balanced on the merciless edge of doubt
as we claw and grasp
our way through this fantasy
in a world blurred by uncertainty
there is no center of gravity
we are lost gravitons
a hypothetical quantum of gravity
an elementary particle that mediates
the force of gravitational interaction
general relativity cannot define it or us
as we hurtle through space
at one hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second
we are still adrift in the metaverse
trying to deal with our individual Matrix
thinking we are The One
knowing we are just another brick in the wall
just trying to get by
comfortably numb…