Your musing of the whale’s belly entrails in the horde, to look onto the stormy waters.
Lurking into curiosity.
They long for the taste of sea foam in their coffee.
Shark biters, no matter, the flood you bathe with.
Stings of jellyfish–good–your love is electric
Barnacles for barrettes. Leave them.
Well-earned reality from Poseidon–shells for shoes.
Your coral clothes are warm and alive and thirsty for more.
Those in the wading pool sample the sea, helping you to your water-logged opal feet.
They are hungry for the life in your eyes too.
The whale's belly waits for no one.
Come and feast on the ocean with me.
Taste the salt and swallow the storm.
Life is meant to be a consuming tsunami.
Don’t settle for wading pools, beach blankets, and wet rocks.
Come, the ocean calls you to your perfect storm!
The Perfect Storm
Illustration by Allen B. Thangkhiew
Posted On: December 7, 2024