James Ph. Kotsybar,
James Ph. Kotsybar, published in six countries, is the first poet
(honored by NASA to be) published to another planet. His verse orbits
Mars (at the request of NASA’s MAVEN team and worldwide internet
voting), became part of Hubble Space Telescope’s Mission Log, on its
20th Anniversary and was awarded and featured at NASA’s Centaur’s 50th
Anniversary Art Challenge. Other honors include State Poetry Society
of Michigan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt workshopped this into a screenplay)
and Balticon Competitions. Invited in 2018 to read for Troubadours,
(Europe’s oldest literary institution) in their founding city of
Toulouse, France, at EuroScience Open Forum, Europe's largest
interdisciplinary science event, earning a standing return invitation.
He has performed his poetry to L.A. dance clubs (Lhasa), onstage at
the Los Angeles Performing Arts Center and Santa Barbara's Granada
Theater, and sung the poetry of William Blake with Allen Ginsberg at
the Old Vic Theater in Santa Barbara.Recently seen in or on: The
Bangalore Review, 86 Logic, Gargoyle, The Fib Review, California
Quarterly, Society of Classical Poets, Gunpowder Press, High Shelf,
Scifaikuest, Burningword, Prometheus Unbound, Poetry Box, Seisma,
Ilanot Review, The Abstract Elephant, Showbear Family Circus, County
Lines, Hunger For Awe. Hope Through Community, Dreamers, The Elevation
Review, Cathexis, William and Mary Review, Mantis, Cold Mountain
Review, Red Coyote, Flying Ketchup Press and, now, Half And One.