Jo Lamm

Dr. Jo is a women's holistic, intuitive coach, yoga teacher, social activist, writer, speaker, life-long learner, and spiritual seeker. Formerly, she worked as a psychologist in private practice, specializing in trauma. She is an avid reader; and a well-crafted sentence or paragraph often inspires her to get up and dance. Writing poetry helps Dr. Jo, "both escape from, and establish, reality." In her spare time, Dr. Jo enjoys volunteering, traveling, yoga, hiking, spending time with family and friends, laughing, facilitating workshops and women's poetry circles, listening to music, and reading; always reading. Website:

Our Turth Poem Illustration

Our Truth

Our Truth

my sweet, darling sisteryou matter as the moon breathes the soulof a woman; the oceanyour presenceallows […]

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my sweet, darling sisteryou matter as the moon breathes the soulof a woman; the oceanyour presenceallows